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How to properly use Facebook Ads Manager?

This is not its only advantage, so take a look at the next section and learn more about its benefits! Why use Facebook Ads Manager? If we think about the main reason why you cannot stop using Facebook Ads Manager, we cannot forget that Facebook is the social network with the largest number of users in the world. According to ilifebelt in January 2017 Facebook had an impressive 2.167 million active users each month.

Meanwhile, this digital future data website Phone Number List estimates that around 80 million people use Facebook in Mexico. In the nation's capital, Mexico City, alone, there are around 14 million users. Impressive, right? Being a social network with such reach, the chances of your advertising reaching your target audience are quite high, obviously, using the tool appropriately. Thanks to Facebook Ads Manager you will be just a few clicks away from connecting with your target audience .

Phone Number List

This tool even allows you to reach people of interest through filters such as demographic data and interests, among others. So, you can now be sure that by using this tool correctly you will be able to obtain great results, so it is time for you to know how to use it.  To start, we recommend that you take a look at the tool's interface, where you will find the following sections: To plan; Create and manage; Measure and report; Assets; Setting. These sections will help you achieve the correct creation of your advertising campaigns to position your brand. Below we will explain what each of them is about. To plan This section offers you the opportunity to learn more about your target audience and gives you creative ideas for creating your advertising ads .

To start, make sure you have a clear goal in mind, whether it's increasing brand awareness, increasing website traffic, or generating leads. Start by defining your target audience based on demographics, interests and behaviors.

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